Elija Flores
Elija Flores is a GIS Technician working with our science and conservation team to protect and restore habitat for the Yuma Ridgway's Rail.
Elija was formerly a Dangermond Fellow with the National Audubon Society. During her fellowship, she used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to strengthen Audubon's conservation science and empower others through storytelling. Her projects involved spotlighting the Mackenzie Fellowship with story maps, developing wet-dry mapping for riparian habitats to promote species protection, and creating story maps for a variety of initiatives across the Audubon network. Check out her story map illustrating her fellowship experience.
Elija graduated from Arizona State University with a bachelor's degree in Global Health and a minor in Sustainability, and a master's degree in Geographic Information Systems. Since working on the rail project, she has developed a love and appreciation for wetlands and marshbirds– but hummingbirds are still her favorite.
Articles by Elija Flores