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Dr. Nat Seavy is the Director of Migration Science for the Migratory Bird Initiative. In this position, Nat works with the Audubon Science Team to use the wealth of scientific knowledge about bird migration to engage people in the joy of migration and help them take action to protect the places that matter most across the Americas.
For over 25 years, Nat has worked on birds, wildlife ecology, and conservation in North America, Hawaii, Central America, and Africa. These projects have included research on tropical raptors, forest songbirds, African sunbirds, Pacific seabirds, and migratory birds in western North America. Nat’s research has contributed to developing solutions that integrate bird conservation with climate change, forest and wildfire management, river restoration, wildlife-friendly agriculture, and water management.
Nat received his master’s in zoology from the University of Florida in 2001 and his Ph.D. from the same department in 2006. After graduating, Nat held a post-doctoral positions with the USGS in Hawaii and with UC Davis and Point Blue Conservation Science in California. From 2009 to 2019 Nat was the Research Director of the Pacific Coast and Central Valley Group at Point Blue Conservation Science.
Nat has published more than 80 scientific papers and book chapters. Nat has been an adjunct fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California and has served on California’s Bank Swallow Technical Advisory Committee and the Riparian Songbird Technical Committee of the Central Valley Joint Venture. Nat enjoys the process of bringing stakeholders, scientists, and data together to develop conservation solutions.